
“We made a galaxy of endless colors with only brief, black holes of emptiness that are then filled by each other.” -Lady Gaga


"A new generation of enthusiasts takes a more affectionate approach by painting what some call  'intimate art'.


"Multitasking just got a whole lot sexier: New York couples can now make love and art at the same time."


"Societal labels completely disappear. The final masterpiece is an equalizer — only love is visible."


"Jackson Pollock-style creation"



"If you are looking for a way to express your love, turn to art."


"While some artists use brushes, Alex uses the human body as a medium to express his unique perspective."


"Alex has a kind-of youthful innocence that reminds you of the kid-next-door who's about to get caught doing something really bad, but really fun."


"An original exploration of human sexuality"


"Love and Paint is a night like no other."


"Now That's Action Painting!"


"Buy Your Parents a Romantic Anniversary Gift!"


Al Vivo Rojo Television Spot


Artist Profile


Event Coverage


Blog Post


"It will make for an awesome present."


"It's modern art at its very friskiest."


Radio Show Interview


"Sex and Paint, Together at Last"


Event Coverage


"Impressions that fly by in less than a moment."


"Experience a truly memorable night and discover the artist inside."


"Love + Paint artist Alexander Esguerra discusses brand-building in the 21st century"